Thursday 21 January 2010

Day 10: Hurray For Bullfinches!

I went for a walk down the country park today since the sun was finally giving out some decent light and the sky wasn't grey with clouds and I saw deer! You may notice the picture above is not a deer...this is because deer suck! The minute you think they've all disappeared then another few go running off showing their white butts and nothing else - they are just too well camouflaged *sigh*. Ok so I did get quite close to a few of them and one turned to have a look at me but it was still too far for a decent photo. I also saw Jays - yeah they flew off into the distance before I got near them too and so did the Buzzard. But here we have one of the lovely Bullfinches who actually sat and posed for me - and I thought they were shy and didn't like people much! Thank you Mr. Bullfinch :-)


  1. Hehe. I'm picturing Mr. Bullfinch saying to make sure you get his good side.

  2. Oooh, that is a LOVELY picture! Yes, Mr. Bullfinch looks rather proud of himself there, hehe.

    I think finches are the cutest little kinds of birdies anywhere. :D
