Run away day again! This time we went to Peebles and wandered round the shops and ate ice cream. Are you impressed that we went somewhere away from the seaside?! We did still find ice cream though :-D One of the things I find strange about myself, when I really think about it, is what I like looking at and taking photos of. I took next to none and then when we got back to the car there was a very shallow puddle behind it with autumny leaves in it and I loved it. The light and shadow and textures and bright points, where the sun is reflecting on the wet leaves, and the colours. It's not quite right, I feel, but I can't quite place what I feel is wrong with it, possibly just a depth of field thing since the leaf in the foreground is a bit fuzzy. Anyway, it's nice and it shows the start of Autumn which is definitely in progress now, from the cooler air and wind,
to the leaves and conkers.
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