Thursday, 30 September 2010
Day 262: Mushroom
I actually don't technically know if this is a mushroom or a toadstool and the definition I found didn't help much, so I'm calling it a mushroom! This is on the front lawn. I'm not sure we should be entirely pleased about having mushrooms - doesn't make for a pristine lawn - but I love it. I'd rather have a wild lawn full of moss and clover and daisies and mushrooms, than a tame, boring, rolled, mown-within-an-inch-of-it's-life lawn. I like the angle on this photo too. Sort of makes it look like it is in a forest - clover as ferns and blades of grass as trees, stretching out into the distance.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Day 261: Mmmm Books
A tad fuzzy, but low light and no tripod will do that! I love books, and I really like the light and shadow on these books. I also like that there is the contrast between hardback and paperback and that you can't tell what the books are.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Day 260: Yellow Leaf
Our tree is losing it's leaves now. They tend to be this yellowy colour rather than browns and oranges and reds. I liked the light shining through this leaf and casting shadows of the grass on it. I noticed the light because I was kneeling on the grass taking a photo of my rocket :-D Me and my best friend made film canister rockets today and it was really good fun
Monday, 27 September 2010
Day 259: The Nude In The Living Room
This is actually a lamp! I always found it odd when I was younger that you would want a naked woman holding up a lamp. I guess I still find her a little odd but it's got to the stage where I don't notice her so much anymore. However, when you have no photos, it's things like this that suddenly stand out to you. She is a bronzey gold colour but I decided to greyscale the photo because the wallpaper and shadow from the flash was too distracting. I also cropped it rather drastically but, again, I wanted all the focus on her and on her face and to make you wonder what she was looking at. Despite being rather harsh and perhaps strange, this is the crop I liked best of many, many different crops.
black and white,
female statue,
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Day 258: Miniature Space Invaders
I got this bruise on my fingernail when I bent it back pulling up carrots. At some point yesterday I looked at it and thought "Wow that is so cool! It looks like the cannon in Space Invaders!". Then it became only a matter of time before I drew on myself again. Drawing using your left hand when you're right handed and drawing on nail... not so easy, so yes they are rather deformed. The bruise doesn't even show up tooooo well but that might just be that it's changed a little since yesterday. I was tempted just to edit in pictures of the Space Invaders but I decided that would be cheating. It would also be rather too professional looking for me ;-p
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Day 257: G-Force
Hurray rocket flying! I had a really good time today. There was lots of joking and laughing and flying rockets and almost perfect conditions! I actually flew everything I had with me (a measly 3 rockets, but still) without hesitation where I normally obsess over the wind and how far it will drift and not being able to find it. There was a close call when I couldn't find the last one I flew but one of the other guys found it and all was well :-D It wasn't even really that cold and I might have a hint of sunburn. This rocket went really well on a G class motor - looked and sounded great. It seems like the flame was actually bright enough to cause reflection in the lens which, in this case, is just kinda cool :-) It was a good day.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Day 256: Sparkly Wings
I've run out of names for posts involving hoverflies! And no, I know what you're thinking, but no - you cannot have too many pictures of hoverflies. Lilac does seem to be a good colour for them doesn't it? Goes nicely with their yellow stripes.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Day 255: My Interesting Stone
I picked this up on the beach on Sunday - I like the almost grid pattern it has on it. It is also saving me from smashing things in anger. I wanted to take photos of the chillis from the greenhouse because they're such a lovely range of colours. They're too red for my cameras though and no matter what I did I couldn't fix it. So look at my pretty stone instead while I try not to destroy something.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Day 254: Solitary Seagull
This week me and my best friend ran away to St Andrews. It probably wasn't quite the best time to go because the place was full of students, but we had a nice time wandering around and having lunch. We had a walk along the beach too but this was unfortunately cut short by rain. This seagull was fishing in the shallow water and I saw him with a wee fish :-D The photo is a bit dark and grey and gloomy but that reflects the weather!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Day 253: I Love M&Ms!
I love M&Ms! And these are exotic ones - peanut butter M&Ms! You can't really get them here unless they are imported so when I spotted them in a shop I wanted them, even though they were expensive - but hey - they're a treat! They don't show up quite as well as I'd like - a little fuzzy and not the best light, but the best I could do tonight and I didn't have any other bright ideas. Colour splashing them helped the M&Ms colour stand out and to make the background less strangely coloured and intrusive. And now I'm done photographing them I get to eat them :-)
colour splash,
M and Ms,
Peanut Butter
Monday, 20 September 2010
Day 252: A Day In The Garden
honey bee,
purple flower,
tomato thief,
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Day 251: Sinbad The Shag!
I took my sword to the beach for International Talk Like A Pirate Day! AAAAARRRRRRRRRR! (yeah, I'm not good at talking Pirate) And whilst there we (me, my dad and the sword) had a good walk up and down the beach and over the rocks. This shag was swimming about in the shallows amongst the rocks looking for food. He wasn't far away at all and then hopped out onto the rocks to dry off. I got very slowly closer and closer and he just sat there watching me to the point where I was probably about 4 metres from him! :-D I decided not to try getting any closer as I didn't want to disturb him and after a wee while he decided he was hungry again and hopped back down the rocks into the sea again. This photo is cropped but only slightly to centre him because it absolutely didn't need it otherwise. Sinbad was an excellent poser (well he had to have a Piratey name and I decided that for alliterative purposes Sinbad was seafaring enough of a name for a Pirate seabird!).
Piratey manner and I'm pretty sure I got a few funny looks wandering around with a plastic sword hanging from the waist adjustment loop thingy on my jacket, but it was good fun anyway! I also got a far better grasshopper photo than last week's, but Sinbad was far too good to pass up :-) Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Phalacrocorax aristotelis,
Talk Like A Pirate Day
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Day 250: Sunny Sunflower
We've only had a couple of small sunflowers this year courtesy of the birds (either dropped under the seed feeder or planted - coal tits in particular like hiding them!) and in retrospect I wish we'd had more and bigger. They're so big and yellow and sunshiny and pretty! And the hover flies love them and the birds eat the seeds when they're all finished flowering. I like things that are both good to look at and good for wildlife.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Day 249: Clubbing
Girly night out! Three friends and me, several pitchers of cocktails and a club playing cheesy music - well the music wouldn't have been my first choice but it was fun anyway and the song of the night for me was Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. I loved all the lights too so I thought I'd attempt some abstractish photos and they were mostly either dark (sloooooow response time on the compact camera) or blurry, but this one isn't too bad. I hope these people don't mind having their backs online ;-p
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Day 248: Victoria Plum
I didn't get anything exciting today so here - have a picture of my tasty, juicy Victoria plum all colour splashed to make it look pretty. They're really good plums.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Day 247: Autumnal Puddle
Run away day again! This time we went to Peebles and wandered round the shops and ate ice cream. Are you impressed that we went somewhere away from the seaside?! We did still find ice cream though :-D One of the things I find strange about myself, when I really think about it, is what I like looking at and taking photos of. I took next to none and then when we got back to the car there was a very shallow puddle behind it with autumny leaves in it and I loved it. The light and shadow and textures and bright points, where the sun is reflecting on the wet leaves, and the colours. It's not quite right, I feel, but I can't quite place what I feel is wrong with it, possibly just a depth of field thing since the leaf in the foreground is a bit fuzzy. Anyway, it's nice and it shows the start of Autumn which is definitely in progress now, from the cooler air and wind,
to the leaves and conkers.
water drops
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Day 246: Spiky Shadows
Not perfect but I do like it and I like it better than I liked the normal conker photos. I had serious problems with exposure today - the photos ended up either too light or too dark and sometimes both at the same time. The sunshine was very strong though and conkers are very shiny so they reflect light a lot. Yeah that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. As for this... I might have taken the exposure down another notch but it's hard to tell on a little screen anyway, even without bright sunshine on it. And I was supposed to be being the fun honorary auntie who runs around the park daft with you, and a best friend, as well as a photographer all at the same time. Hard work! ;-p
Monday, 13 September 2010
Day 245: Gladioli
These gladioli were part of the centre pieces on the tables at the wedding. We got one of the centre pieces to bring home and it is taking up most of the fireplace! It is really pretty though and I loved the colours. You can tell this was taken with flash and while I don't always like using flash it does add a bit of drama and sparkle which is rather nice.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Day 244: Grasshopper!
We have grass what hops in our garden! I think it was my cousin who used to call them "grass what hops" but it's one of those phrases that has entered regular usage in our family and it's origins are getting hazy! Anyway, we have been able to hear them and occasionally, briefly, see them but I haven't managed a picture until now, and while it's a tad fuzzy because it is so cropped in, I don't mind too much because I'm pleased I got it before they all disappear again. And, you know, not just because of the camouflagedness.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Day 243: The Best Dog
Doesn't he look handsome! Mum made him a wee button hole type thing with white heather and tied it onto his collar with ribbon and amazingly he didn't try to eat it! This was in the church yard before the wedding and he is stood between my dad and the best man I think... I was more interested in the dog at that point ;-p The wedding went really well - there were issues, as there always are, but everyone enjoyed it. The bride was beautiful, they both looked happy and I'm quite pleased with some of the photos I took despite the sunlight not quite cooperating! My little brother is married, and I have a sister in law... this is really weird!
Friday, 10 September 2010
Day 242: Sunlit Clouds
It's not terribly exciting but it was pretty at the time. Have you ever noticed how much better a street full of cars looks in silhouette? We're all very busy trying to be ready for the wedding tomorrow and it only occurred to me quite recently that I would have to pack for staying away on Saturday night... I hate packing.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Day 241: I Heart Biscuits!
I spent today decorating biscuits - they're shortbread and they taste great. Mum baked them and I decorated and we both bagged them up - hurray for collaboration! The original design had another smaller heart between the two you see there but the colouring I was using for it just wasn't working properly so I ditched it in favour of something that did work! I love that silver. It just paints on and it's edible (can't even taste it) and so shiny and pretty! I'm very impressed with it :-)
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Day 240: Looking Back To Land
Me and my best friend ran away for the day again and guess what? We ended up at the seaside again! We seem to be magnetically attracted to it. Berwick Upon Tweed was the destination and "Town Called Malice" was the theme tune (well who doesn't like singing "oooh ooooh yeeeaaaah!" after every time he says town called malice?!) not that we think Berwick Upon Tweed is Malice-y! Well except for the slightly sinister, but oh so atmospheric and cool mist that was hanging around. The waves were brilliant too - lots of big, huge, rolling waves and really good splashing. The water was splashing up around the lighthouse and I kinda wish we had been over there when it was! It had calmed down rather and the tide had gone out a bit by the time we walked out, but the wall was still all wet and there were bits of sea weed on it. We saw a couple of seals too, much to my friend's excitement :-) I really like this photo and I can't quite tell you why. In comparison to all the wave photos it really stood out. The only thing I can think is that it's just so different and atmospheric and it feels good. I look at it and instead of seeing a dark dreary afternoon I remember the cool air and the thundering waves and the fresh air and the wind and spray from the waves and how invigorating and mysterious and far away it felt.
Berwick Upon Tweed,
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Day 239: Snail's Pace
Snail safaris, venturing slowly into the undergrowth! I now have a picture to illustrate me and my blogging! Although you will note that I am actually posting this on time ;-) Ever noticed how snails just appear out of nowhere when it is or has been raining? I still don't know why this is but our front path can become an obstacle course. Mum tries getting rid of them by sending them off in the brown bin to the place where all the garden waste goes (you'd think that would make them happy?) but either they make their way back (yes, it probably is miles but who's to say they don't... and it just takes them a very long time) or there are always new ones to replace them. Well anyway - they presented a good opportunity this evening when I remembered I hadn't done anything except get lost on the internet and go to Rainbows today!
Monday, 6 September 2010
Day 238: The Floral Clock
We're on the Floral Clock! It was mentioned at our district meeting and since I was in town today and had time I went to look and I think it looks great. It actually made me all proud - I'm part of something that made it onto the Floral Clock :-D There is also writing (in plants) along the top saying "A hundred years of Girlguiding" and on the right of the clock is the 100 logo (pictured below). I subtly colour splashed the photo to try and detract from the bus and buildings out on the street. I didn't want to just crop it as I think the context helps it a lot.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Day 237: End Of Festival Fireworks
Fireworks! And from a distance where I don't have to put my fingers in my ears! I have missed coming to the fireworks concert. It has been a few years but nothing much has changed - they still set off more fireworks than I think it's possible to have and somehow the orchestra manage to play through it all without bum notes all over the place because they were jumping at each explosion. I do wonder how they do that - surely they can't wear earplugs... It's not easy taking fireworks photos! They kept changing in brightness so I was trying to track the changes in exposure but it wasn't easy and the finale was so many bright white fireworks that they were all a little over exposed. I liked this one from earlier on though, despite the fireworks leaving the field of view. I think I prefer it that way because it fills the frame and there are fireworks just going up, just beginning to explode, fully exploded and fading. It's almost like the life cycle of a firework! I like that you can see the outline of some of the Castle too as it gives it all some context.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Day 236: It's Over THERE!
I was out shopping all day - I hate shopping - it was stressful - I didn't even remember about photos until just now. So we're back to the weird and wonderful world of my mind and it's liking for writing on me with permanent black pen. The "there" is rather shinier than I would like but I'm not sure how to stop that as it is caused by the flash and I need the flash... Oh well. It's interesting to see the products of my mind at times. Anyone want to bet on how long I have writing on my finger? I'm going for another day.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Day 235: Crashing Waves
My best friend and I ran away again today and, although we ran away to the countryside, we still ended up at the beach on the rocks watching the tide come in and splash on the rocks! There is something really calming about it - I suppose it might be the rhythm and the fact that you can get so sucked into seeing whether the next wave is bigger or smaller than the last :-)
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Day 234: Mine!
Today was a long day and I forgot all about photos because I was busy worrying about other things. When I finally did remember I had biscuits in front of me and that was pretty much all I could think of to photograph! So here they are. Can you tell what they are yet? And that they put one of the sides on back to front?!
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Day 233: Sunlit Seed
This didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped but I didn't have much time to play with it as the light changed - always a problem with sunlight and clouds and such like. Plus my fingers got in the way holding it up so there is less stem than I would like. And it's a little bit fuzzy I think but it is kinda hard to tell because, well it is fluffy, as well as being very much cropped in. But the point was that I like the seed head and I liked the way it caught the sun. And it's not too bad really. Just not as good as I would have liked.
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