Monday 22 November 2010

Day 315: Blue Sky

It seems like we've had nothing but grey cloud for days and it was so welcome, even if it was for such a brief period of time, to see this patch of blue sky.  The sun was on the way down and it made the white cloud high up a lovely golden colour.  Today was one of those days where you get several photos you like and hate the fact that they only count for one day - especially with a period of rubbish photos behind you and potentially ahead too. 
So I am posting another one today, not only because I want to and I like it, but because it represents something important.  I did scale drawing!  There was maths involved (yes, I know - it was minimal - but still maths!) and complicatedness and concentration.  None of these things usually treat me well but I did it, and it may have taken me 100 times longer than most people (and a hefty dose of help to get my head round it) but I was really proud of myself :-D

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